Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I'd like to dedicate this post to a group of special people;
Bros and Sis' ; and Friends;
whom I've not been meeting up for after such a long time.

I know; it may seem as though I've forgotten everyone;
but please do know that I do think about every single one of you every single day.
It may seem as though you've lost my care and concern;
however; I do keep you in my prayers;
hoping that all of you will have a good day ahead.

I may be in the wrong at times;
How much time would one take to send a message to ask another how he or she is doing?
however I am just like any other ordinary human;
and I too have my flaws.

I may not verbally or physically show my care and concern;
and there's so many to love;
therefore I decided that it'd be best to keep all of you in mind and heart.
Where all is fair and just;
for I dare not love anyone more or less.

If ever for once; you'd thought or think that you're forgotten;
please forgive me;
and do know that you are not forgotten.

If time abides;
we'll meet soon after.

just know that you aren't forgotten;
for I know how it feels;
to be left alone despite the fact of having everyone around you
and yet you feel alone.

But truth is we never were alone;
someone had and have always been there.

With Love,

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