Friday, October 9, 2009


I'd never understand this life,
In every single thing I do lies a sin,
then what is the point of always trying to do the right thing.

People look at us and say,
look at them,
they have sinned,
for have you not sinned in your younger days?

We're all sinners,
and sometimes always trying to just do the right thing gets too tiring,
and yet i strive for it.

I feel like a hypocrite,
I'm doing and trying to do the right things,
yet still i sin in so many other ways.

So tell me what's the point of living life,
If everything done is wrong,
and is a sin,
then I'd rather choose not to live.

I'm sick,
sick of living up to it,
it gets tiring,
and all that I do;

Is just plain wrong.


I just want to be plain,
simple, pure and clean.

I hate my past,
and I fear my future.

I'm nowhere.
I'm lost.

No one knows the full story,
People who knew just nodded their head
and told me to move on;

but you don't know,
how dirty I feel,
how burdened I am with the past sins.

and i fear,
i fear it all.

I'm a lost soul.

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